Monday, July 6, 2009

Review by Amazon >> Kirkland : Minoxidil 5% Extra Strength Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men, 6 Month Supply

Product Description

Minoxidil 5% Hair regrowth treatment, 6 month supply Kirkland Signature, an exclusive, nationwide supplier of generic consumer goods has recently introduced 5% minoxidil solution for men in a 60 ml bottle. This product is identical to Rogaine Extra Strength for Men and offers substantial savings over the Upjohn name brand.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3363 in Health and Beauty
  • Brand: Kirkland
  • Dimensions: 2.00 pounds


  • Minoxidil 5% Hair regrowth treatment
  • This product is identical to Rogaine Extra Strength for Men

Customer Reviews

Kirkland for hair growth4
Im 23 and started losing my hair a few years ago in the front. I have a really bad receding hairline so I shopped around and found kirklands extra strength minoxodil. Its not intended for frontal baldness but I used it anyway and in 2 months I have natural colered hairs where they should be! My natural hairline is full of small hairs. They are small and are just now starting to really grow but they are there. I bought a 4 month supply for the cost of a 1 or 2 month supply of rogaine so Im ready to see what happens in the next 2 months. I wouldnt fool with the regular strength when the extra strength works so well. One of the reasons it works so well for me is because im young and everyone is different but I would definetley recommend this product.

Battling Baldness3
Minoxidil 5% Extra Strength Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men - 6 bottles, 6 Month Supply
I've used Minoxidil 5% for over 4 years. The choice of Minoxidil was a no-brainer for me. Just the thought of surgery on my scalp would cause me to lose all of my hair. Prescription medicine had unmentionable side effects. So I chose Minoxidil, which has left me with thin but ever-present hair on top to dazzle the ladies. And it's easy on my wallet (cheaper than Rogaine).

This product works!5
As a hairdresser for over 40 years, I will tell you that this product works! It is 5% of what you will pay for Rogaine and it is the exact same ingredient. Thanks to Kirkland for being a company with integrity and charging a fair price for a fair product. I tell all my clients about Kirkland Minoxidil.

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  1. Nice stuff.
    Getting the Proper Effects of Minoxidil in Hair Growing Treatment.

  2. I am a woman...47 and I was having male pattern baldness as they say. Under my bangs I was losing hair and had such a hard time doing anything with my hair. I tried everything to hide it with different ways to wear my bangs ect..but nothing was working !
    I used to cry seeing myself get out of the shower when my hair was look scary ! I have used Kirkland Minoxidil 5% for men for 3 months now and it worked for me wonders !! I have alot of hair there now...filled right in...and still growing in length and thickness !! I can hardly believe it myself but it is true !! I wasn't even using it faithfully...I used it only at night and maybe a few time during the day and it still grew alot of hair for me !! I had no side effects either...but I am only speaking for myself as others might react differently. This product is so reasonably priced and affordable by anyone so why lose your hair when you don't have to ?? I have had no real problems with hair growing in the wrong places either...maybe a bit of peach fuzz that is not all that noticeable...but I just wax there and no problems after that ! I thought I would be suffering hair loss forever and getting worse..I was so depressed as a woman...but not any more !! Fantastic product !!! Will be using this always !!!!

  3. Hi everyone! Kirkland is alright. I have been using it over a year. Hovewer since a few months I use minoxazil. It has 15% minoxidil and azelaic acid. I already noticed so progress:)

  4. It's a best product for hair regrowth treatment. Thanks for sharing.
    Minoxidil for Women

  5. Excellent blog very nice and unique information related to Rogain. Thanks for sharing this information.
    UK Minoxidil

  6. Awesome article delivered regarding Kirkland Minoxidil medicine, it's a very effective medicine for hair loss treatment.

  7. These are better than that cheap stuff minoxidil 5%
